As Bright Smiles and Sunshine Coast Prosthodontics continues to provide critical dental care services to our patients, we are updating our patients in response to the current Coronavirus situation. We are currently treating all our patients and our dentists are also accepting new and emergency patients. I would like to reassure you that we are following the health advice of government bodies along with the World Health Organisation guidelines and closely monitoring the situation.
Due to ease of transmission of the virus, we have put key health and safety procedures and protocols in place to protect our patients, employees and families. These measures include:
- Screening questions to ascertain health prior to booking an appointment and when confirming appointments.
- Staggered appointment times to limit patient numbers in the waiting room at any one time.
- We also advise where possible for only the patient being treated to attend the appointment to avoid large groups in the waiting area: magazines have been temporarily removed and all hard surfaces are frequently sanitised.
- Patient temperatures (using touch free infrared forehead devices) will be taken on arrival at the practices as per the World Health Organisation recommendation. Any patient recording a temperature of 37.5 degrees or higher will have their appointment rescheduled to another suitable time.
- Rescheduling of appointments will be actioned for patients who have recently returned from overseas, patients who have been in contact with a diagnosed Coronavirus patient and patients who are experiencing flu/virus symptoms.
- Hand sanitiser and masks are readily available for patients visiting our clinics.
- Our employees have been provided with personal protection equipment such as gloves, masks, hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes and protective aprons.
- Air Purifiers with hepa filters have been placed throughout the dental practices to remove any toxins, airborne bacteria and viruses from the air to allow for improved breathing and overall health.
Please be assured that your health and safety along with that of our employees is our number one priority and we are doing all that we can to ensure that everyone is protected while still delivering our health services across all of our clinics.
If you have any questions or queries regarding our current service offerings please do not hesitate to contact us on the following phone numbers. Thank you.
Bright Smiles @ Brightwater: (07) 54 080 290
Bright Smiles @ Currimundi: (07) 54 919 177
Sunshine Coast Prosthodontics: (07) 54 080 290