Dental Implants Sunshine Coast

Dental Implant treatment on the Sunshine Coast at Brightwater

A dental implant is a prosthetic device used to replace one – or all – of your missing teeth. Millions of dental implants have been placed around the world in the last 60 years and they have been proven to be a very safe and successful procedure.

A dental implant is a screw made of pure titanium which is placed in the jaw bone. This acts as an anchor for a replacement tooth to be attached to. Implants can also be used to replace multiple teeth using a bridge, or to replace a complete arch of all missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

Dental Implants are the ideal choice for missing teeth.

Dental implants are considered the ideal choice in most patients to replace missing teeth as they don’t affect the remaining teeth like dentures of dental bridges and are fixed in place and thus don’t move or require removal like dentures. Dental implants can also be used to help secure complete dentures, especially the lower complete dentures which are prone to moving and can cause significant day to day problems for people who wear them.

Dr Innes is a board registered specialist in prosthodontics – dental implantology is a key part of this speciality. He has extensive experience with both the prosthetic and surgical side of dental implant treatment and has been involved in the treatment and management of thousands of dental implants of many different designs. Dr Innes is fully qualified to carry out multiple-teeth or full mouth reconstructions such as “teeth in a day” and Nobel Biocare’s “all-on-4” procedures.  Please phone 54 080 290 to make an appointment specifically with Dr Innes or ask your general dentist for a referral.