Emergency Dental Services

Dental care for tooth pain Sunshine Coast

Dental pain – for most people it’s right at the top of their ‘least favourite things’ list! Whether it’s due to temperature sensitivity, an exposed nerve or an abscess, we understand totally.

That’s why at Bright Smiles, we’ll ensure that you’re seen to as soon as possible.

We keep time aside each day for our patients in case you need to get out of pain. We are also open three nights a week and Saturdays.

Another common emergency is trauma to the teeth and face. If such an event occurs, you can simply contact us and we will see to you ASAP.

The Sunshine Coast Emergency Dental Service

So if you need an emergency dentist, give us a call.
We’ll do our best to help you out and reduce your pain.

Bright Smiles Dentistry @ Brightwater
5408 0290
Bright Smiles Dentistry @ Currimundi
54 919 177