Unfortunately, major problems with the mouth, jaw and tongue are more common than people think. Sometimes these can be cancerous conditions.
As part of our thorough first examination of a new patient, our dentists screen for conditions that can affect oral and associated dental structures. This starts with a full mouth x-ray that provides an overview of your jaw bones. During the examination, we closely examine your oral structures for any signs of benign or malignant (cancerous) conditions.
This is an OPG full mouth x-ray where a jaw cyst was incidentally found at a new patient examination appointment.
If we are concerned about any areas, a biopsy may be taken, and you will be referred to the appropriate specialist for attention if required.
Dr Innes has extensive experience working in the “head and neck team” in a hospital setting with other specialists to treat and repair any dental defects associated with such structures. He understands the importance of early detection and both he and all the Bright Smiles dentists believe that this type of screening is an important part of the thorough oral examination.